Career Fair PIT-UN Challenge 2021
A 1.5 Day Event Bringing Together Undergraduate and Graduate Students with PIT Organizations and PIT Faculty
As the global center for research and thought leadership on the responsible and ethical creation, use and governance of technology in society, we leverage our multidisciplinary faculty, research, resources, and professional and community networks to collaborate with, and engage the university community, public institutions, public interest organizations, and community based organizations, to significantly impact the world’s current and future technology landscape.
The NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology (NYU Alliance) is a dynamic and multidisciplinary group of NYU faculty, administrators and staff who are experts on the responsible and ethical creation, use and governance of technology in society. The Alliance is sponsored by NYU’s Center for Faculty Advancement, whose mission is to facilitate faculty research, teaching and ability to make a significant and lasting impact in the communities across the globe with whom we work.
As an institution committed to understanding and developing the field of Public Interest Technology (PIT), the Alliance is committed to supporting PIT students and graduates, support new interdisciplinary PIT research, develop pipelines for diverse students doing PIT work, recognize faculty for PIT work, collaborate with public and private sector institutions and peer institutions in higher education to further understand, provide insight into, expand and build networks of collaboration to further the development of technology that served the public interest.
A 1.5 Day Event Bringing Together Undergraduate and Graduate Students with PIT Organizations and PIT Faculty
A 2-Week Virtual Conference For Early and Mid-Career Faculty Who Seek To Accelerate Their Work in Public Interest Technology
NYU and the NYU Alliance are proud members of New America’s Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN)
70 Washington Square S
New York, NY 10012
(212) 998-2351
NYU and the NYU Alliance are proud members of New America’s Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN)